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Fan into flame

We are joining with our Divergent Global family for 7 days of focused prayer and fasting covering every minute and day with intentional and consecrated faith-filled prayer.

Over the 7 days, we will focus on preparing our hearts, minds and lives to be part of everything God is doing. We will be focused on preparing for everything God has for us and through us, we will be preparing to see breakthrough from our neighbours to the nations.

We encourage all individuals, families and lifecoms to participate over this 7 day period. There is a prayer journey in terms of focus we will be taking as listed below. 

How to get involved?

You can sign up here

How to prepare. Resource yourself to better understand prayer and fasting.

There are alot of Christian myths around Fasting including the 'Daniel Fast' and 'Fasting' things other than food / drink. What is fasting? What do the scriptures teach? Click the link below to see a blog post by Divergent Global Leader -  Josh

Post 1. FASTING PRAYER AND CONSECRATION? ie. What is Fasting?...really

Post 2. Fasting: Getting Practical 

Start date: Sunday 29th of January


DAY 1: Focus: Repentance and Reflection 

Devotional thought: Josh Reading

Check out the blog post here 

Key Text: 2 Chron 7:14

DAY 2: Focus:  

Devotional thought: Terri Thomson

Key Text: Ex 20:18 - 21

Check out the video 


DAY 3: Focus: 

Devotional thought: Angela

Key Text: 2 Cor 4 and Video


DAY 4: Focus: 

Devotional thought:

Key Text: Ezra 8:21 - 23, short blog and video


DAY 5:

Devotional thought: 

Key Text: 

DAY 6:  

Devotional thought: 

Key Text: 

DAY 7: Focus: 

Devotional thought: 

Key Text: 




• Dedicate specific time and focus in your LifeCom toward prayer and fasting

• Participate in our 'Fan into flame
' devotional. This will include short blogs, text and a short video to help with understanding and focus in prayer and fasting.



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