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"I grew up in a Buddhist home and went to a Christian school thinking two hours of religious studies a week was a complete waste of my time. During Religious studies you could call me the class clown or the “distractinator”.


If anyone talked about Jesus or mentioned anything about the Bible, I would roll my eyes and try find out where the next pumping party was at! God, religion and Jesus was like some distant concept that was not relevant to my crazy lifestyle of drinking and partying.


My second year of university was one of the lowest times of life. My lifestyle had made me completely empty. A friend noticed me in a rocky place. He boldly shared to me amazing news that I hungered for. The news of what I had previously believed was a foreign God. This is Jesus Christ.


That night I chose to turn from the selfish life I was living, and live for Jesus. The Lord who is alive today.


Four years later I seek to know more about Jesus, the bread of life. We can find all answers to life in Jesus. Relevant in every day.


Now when I read my Bible and pray, this is the relevant God I now seek from the morning I wake up, to the day that I die and into eternity.


Thank you Jesus.


Matt 6:33 is my heart cry, "Seek First the Kingdom of God..."


From 'Distractinator' to 'Imitator' - with Kevin Chenko Tran


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"In all my life, in all the places I'd lived since being born in South Africa and moving to Australia, I had never found a group of friends, and a church, to call my family. I never appreciated the church for what it was - "Christ's bride". Not until I found myself walking up a flight upstairs into a small, dark room known as The Loft.


The moment I entered that room, the moment I was greeted with a friendly but genuine smile, I knew I had found a place I could honestly call home, I found a great group of people from all different cultures coming together to celebrate and praise one name. Jesus.


After a year of growing into the culture of LIFECITY CHURCH, I have found myself (humbly) learning how to make disciples, co-leading a life-community, study ministry and theology as a part of the team of interns and playing drums in the praise and worship team.


Most exciting thing of all is learning how to imitate Jesus and follow him in my everyday life.


I have found a place where people will challenge you, push you, pick you up when you fall, support you and love you with all their hearts. LIFECITY accepted me as I am and for that I am pleased and thankful to call the church my family and my home."


From Cameron Sparks

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"Moving overseas to Australia gave me an opportunity to redefine, rediscover and reflect on my life. I wanted to find out who I was, what I believed in and who I wanted to be.


Quickly I found myself and my identity immersed in the university drinking and clubbing culture. I still felt empty and unsatisfied despite the seemingly enjoyable nights.


Surely life can be more meaningful and purposeful, I thought, but repeatedly I found myself back at square one.


The turning point came on my 22nd birthday, half a year after a friend brought me to church.


I remember praying, “God, if you’re going to be serious with me, I’m going to have to be serious with you.”


“Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. (Matthew 10:39)”.


That was the day when I decided to “lose” my life to myself and gave God a chance. When I gave up finding myself, I found myself in Christ.


When I stopped looking at the world I found Jesus.


Four years since that decision, I can conclude it did not matter who I was but rather, whose I was. The confidence in knowing whose I am gives me the confidence to be who I am today."


Kwan Ling Ho


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