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"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." Col 2:6 - 7

Divergent Church Canberra

On a fortnightly basis, all our Life Communities come together in each location for a more structured pathway of teaching and equipping for EQUIP Nights! 


We will soon be launching a new site to resource people in their journey to maturity and effectiveness in Christ.

Divergent Church Queanbeyan

Global Generation Internship - 1 Year Full time 


Global Generation Internship is all about life change. It is about preparing and stepping out into what God has called each of us to. It is about giving one focused year to lay the platform for a life of purpose in whatever area God has called you to operate.


Divergent Church Canberra



Growing in our knowledge of the word is crucial to developing. His word is the foundation under our feet. 


Want to learn and apply it to your life even more?


Check out this - READING THE BIBLE

Grow at Divergent Church Canberra
Divergent Church Port Macquarie

DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra & Queanbeyan is launching GlobalGen College in partnership with Hope College. This partnership will allow you to study fully accredited Courses in Biblical Theology and Ministry as well as further courses in other areas such as Counselling and Aged Care. 


For most it will be a part-time option that mirrors elements of our Global Generation Internship.

Through the year we have Conferences that we either run or support that are all about equipping you for the journey God has called you to. 


In July we host our very own, 'Global Generation' Conference which focuses on living in the mission from our backyard to the very ends of the earth


Other Conferences we support


Wise Up Womens Conference



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