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DIVERGENT CHURCH is about being a Real People serving the Real God in Real Life.

So often the church has become a place of ‘plastic fantastic’. We believe that God has called us as we are, to become what he is crafting us into. The crew at DIVERGENT CHURCH come from many different backgrounds both culturally and experientially. Singles, Couples, Professionals, Uni Students, Youth, Families, and more.


DIVERGENT CHURCH gathers to encourage one another, to laugh, to share stories, to connect, to raise one voice, and to open up the Bible and hear teaching that changes the way we live.

Originally we were birthed in Canberra in 2007 but have now planted in other areas, cities and now nations and so we ar become a family of communities with a heart to see the love, grace and truth of Jesus declared and demonstrated to all. (Matt 28:18 - 20) 




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