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Divergent Church Canberra

All in disciples devoted

to his kingdom come.

Divergent Church Canberra triangle

To be 'divergent' means to be different.

​For us 'Divergent' speaks of the nature of Jesus' kingdom (John 18:36). It is a different kingdom, one which does not match the principles and practices of this world.

Jesus' kingdom is a place where faith replaces fear, where life swallows up death, where truth stands apart from falsehood, where love reigns over hate. It is a radically different kingdom to the patterns of this world.​ There is a great deal of pressure both from the world and even from many Christians to 'conform' to the expectations of this world but the Apostle Paul makes the call clear for each believer and community.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2)


​At Divergent Church we believe Church is not simply an event you attend but a community of people living out the life of Christ, for his cause, acting as catalysts to bless a world that does not know Jesus.

Divergent Church Global
Divergent Church Canberra
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what do we

Why are we different? Because Jesus said,

"my kingdom is not of this world" (jOhn 18:6)

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